Help to get ‘Betuwe44’ on screen
We hope that you have become enthusiastic about this story, just like us! We need your help to realize this film! In addition to cultural and governmental funds that are currently available for the 75th anniversary of the liberation, we also approach local organizations and production partners. With a crowdfundings action in januari 2020,a lot of people peoplealready participated, so it has become a film made for and by viewers. The project has already found regional partners such as local historical foundations like Exodus Huissen and various re-enactment groups. They have put all their expertise and time into this project, as can be seen in the trailer. Donate now or contact us! When you make a donation, you'll always get something nice in return, see the overview with perks below!
Donate via foundation 'Stichting Betuwe44'
For subsidies and larger funding one can use our foundation 'Stichting Betuwe44'. This foundation is established to realize the filming and financing thereof. This foundation is responsible for acquiring and managing cash and other assets. We have been designated by the tax authorities as an cultural ANBI foundation, so there is an extra gift deduction for individuals and companies with the (Dutch) tax authorities.The board of the foundation consists of independent persons. Your donation will be managed properly this way. Check for more information.

How does it work
Use the following bank account number (IBAN NL62 INGB 0008 4325 69 tnv Stichting Betuwe44) or the PayPal link below to process your donation. Also don't forget to fill in the donation form below, so that we can link your data to the amount received on the bank account. And indicate in particular which ‘reward’ you choose!

We managed to realize a short film of a true episode in 2020, in collaboration with local authorities and the Freedom Museum, as part of the 75th anniversary of Market Garden. After the film premiere on October 29, 2020, the idea is that the film will be available for other museums and various historical and educational initiatives. When there are more possibilities for financing, we hope to be able to film the big story of Betuwe44.
IBAN NL62 INGB 0008 4325 69 tnv Stichting Betuwe44
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